Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Amelia's Yoked Sweater

I finally finished Amelia's sweater last night.  I've had a few setbacks with this one, but more from my own carelessness than any true failings of the pattern.  This is the seamless yoked sweater from Ann Budd's, The Knitter's Handy Book of Sweater Patterns.  On my first go at the sleeves, I did them one at a time on double points and was very dissatisfied to find ladders up and and the length of the arms.  So, I ripped them out and decided to do them simultaneously using the magic loop.  I was pleased that this seemed to solve the ladder issue.

If I could start over, I would also not bind off under the arms for the sleeves, but would have put those stitches on a holder so I could have grafted them in.  It would have made for a much more invisible and less bulky seam.  

Lastly, I finished the neck as per the pattern directions, only to find that the opening was too small for Amelia's head.  I'm not sure how this happened since I got gauge the whole way through.  I threaded some waste yarn at the top of the yoke, and cut off the ill-fitting neck and knit it again, decreasing only about half of the recommended stitches.  Success!  I am very pleased with the colors, and I think this will make a wonderfully warm and cozy sweater this winter when it gets chilly.  I'm thinking of those days when it hits 30 below with the wind chill!

1 comment:

runner04 said...

This sweater for Amelia is gorgeous. I am awed by your wonderful work.